David Pawson New Releases

David Pawson New Release

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List of the New DVDs Recorded in Singapore 2014

DVD 298-309

The Book of James 1 -12  (12 DVDS)

DVD 1 James 1:1 Introduction and Insight
DVD 2 James 1:2-18 Trials and Temptations
DVD 3 James 1:19-27 Hearers and Doers
DVD 4 James 2:1-13 Favouritism and Freedom
DVD 5 James 2:14-26 Faith and Works - 1. Exegetical
DVD 6 James 2:14-26 Faith and Works - 2. Theological
DVD 7 James 3:1-12 Teachers and Tongues 
DVD 8 James 3:13-18 Competition and Co-operation
DVD 9 James 4:1-12 Hostility and Harmony
DVD 10 James 4:13-5:6 Rich and Poor
DVD 11 James 5:7-12 Patience and Perseverance
DVD 12 James 5:13-20 Sickness and Sin

DVD 310-316

Letter to The Romans (7 DVDS)

  1. Letter To The Romans: Right(eous) Relationships - Introduction Romans 1:1-17 
  2. Letter To The Romans: Sin and Wrath - Romans 1:18 - 3:20
  3. Letter To The Romans: Justification - Romans 3:25 - 5:21 
  4. Letter To The Romans: Sanctification - Romans 6-8
  5. Letter To The Romans: Israel - Romans 9-11
  6. Letter To The Romans: Relationships - Romans 12:1-13:14
  7. Letter To The Romans: More Relationships - Romans 14:1-16:27


DVD 317/318  Could We Be Left Behind?  -- The Debate Part 1/2    --------  Broadcast on Revelation TV, UK, 10th Nov 2014

DVD 319  Revelation TV "IN CONVERSATION"  -- When Jesus Returns    --------  December 2014