Other Subjects
David Pawson - A Commentary on James--James 4:1-12 Hostility and Harmony
David Pawson - A Commentary on James--James 3:13-18 Competition and Co-operation
David Pawson - A Commentary on James--James 3:1-12 Teachers & Tongues
David Pawson - A Commentary on James--James 2:14-26 Faith & Works 1 Exegetical
David Pawson - A Commentary on James-- James 2:1-13 Favouritism and Freedom
David Pawson - A Commentary on James --James 1:19-27 Hearers and Doers
David Pawson - A Commentary on James --James 1:2-18 Trials & Temptations
David Pawson --Letter To The Romans: Right(eous) Relationships Pt2 - Introduction Romans 1:1-17
David Pawson - -Letter To The Romans: Right(eous) Relationships Pt1 - Introduction Romans 1:1-17
David Pawson - Reward of Heaven - 23/05/15
David Pawson - The Final Facts-Return of Christ (2) - 16/05/15
David Pawson - The Final Facts-Return of Christ (1) - 09/05/15
For these 9 Revelation Seminar videos in MP4 format to download, Click HERE.
David Pawson -- Revelation Seminar Pt8 ----25/04/2015
David Pawson -- Revelation Seminar Pt7 ----18/04/2015
David Pawson -- Revelation Seminar Pt5 ----11/04/2015
David Pawson -- Revelation Seminar Pt4 ----04/04/2015
David Pawson -- Revelation Seminar Pt2 ----28/03/2015
David Pawson -- The 5 Covenants of God - Part 1----21/03/2015
David Pawson -- "The Church in the End Times" -- 14/03/20
This week we are using a second DVD in David Pawson’s series on End Times. At the International House of prayer in the Unites States, he ran a series which was recorded and is available through us. In the message being played this week, he looks at the Church in the End Times. There’s so much rubbish being spoken about end times that David Pawson has done what he can to correct it, at least to those who have ears to hear and who are still teachable.
He uses facts, the Bible and experience. This is a message we need to listen to. The churches in the States have made glossy looking rubbish in the form of books, films, college courses which has netted millions of dollars to some of the authors but damaged the church worldwide. David explains in some of his books and videos how and where things started going wrong. To visitors who disagree with David, it is important to listen to what he says and see if what he actually says can be refuted with facts instead of emotion.
David Pawson "Israel in the End Times"----- 06/03/15
This week we sample David Pawson’s series on “The Church and Israel in the End Times”, with part two entitled, “Israel in the End Times”. He answers many questions being asked and shows the historical reliability of Bible prophecy.
Most Christians now are speaking again about the return of Jesus. All the remaining 20% of prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled speak of that event. Some of those relate to Israel, including the return of the Jews to the land of Israel.
A history book by Kelvin Crombie details the part Christians had to play in that event. Some Christians have chosen to close their ears to those prophecies and go along with whatever is popular. However, a Baptist pastor in Bethlehem called Naim Khoury has chosen to speak about the return of Jesus including these Bible prophecies and as a result has been bombed, shot and arson attacked by those who succeeded in murdering his brother in Bethlehem.
May God bless you as you study His Word.
David Pawson "Israel in Romans 11" --- 21/02/15
David Pawson’s “Israel in the New Testament”
In our library we have a 5 DVD set on “Israel in the New Testament”. It covers Matthew, Acts, Romans, Romans 11, Hebrews and Revelation. For more info, click HERE
David Pawson Spoke in Auschwitz, Poland 2012 -- 14/02/2015
January 28th was the United Nations Holocaust Remembrance Day.
World leaders met up in Auschwitz for a commemoration service as it was 70 years since being liberated.
One of the organisers of the annual event is a German who has became a Christian and whose grandfather was directly involved in the murders at the camp. He wants the world to remember the atrocities and made it his life's work to do that. In 2012 he invited David Pawson to give the message. As we have have finished our Old Testament Unlocking The Bible we are web-casting that message from Auschwitz in 2012.
It is also available from our library.